Crybaby GCB-95 schematic -- with correct component designators!

 I am indebted to the work of others on the sites and, where much info can be found about this interesting circuit.  However, the schematics on those sites and others, all seem to repeat the same error; and, the reference designators do not match the actual designators on the GCB-95 circuit board, from Dunlop.  Since I want to make some modifications to this circuit, I purchased an actual populated GCB-95 board (these are readily available, no need to purchase the whole wah pedal if you don't need it).  Once I determined that none of the schematics online actually correspond to this board with 100% accuracy, I took the time to trace it out and draw my own schematic, which I provide here for anybody else who it may help.

Oh yes, important.  As I mentioned, the wrong ref designators were not the only problem with the available online schematics.  There's an actual circuitry mistake, which everyone seems to copy and propagate without checking.  It's an easy-enough error to make, and indeed, the erroneous circuit "looks correct" whereas the actual circuit seems "wrong", and I have to wonder if someone made a mistake way back; nonetheless, if the intent is to reproduce the Crybaby circuit as it is actually built, then the others are wrong and my schematic is correct.  The issue concerns R2, a 1kOhm resistor.  In the real circuit, this resistor is a series dropping resistor in the 9V power line, affecting power to all the rest of the circuit.  Perhaps this was included to protect D1, in the event an external power supply of the wrong polarity is connected?  In any case, that's how it's done, good idea or not.  The schematic on and many other sites, shows this resistor (labeled "Rin3") going between the +9V rail and the collector of the first transistor (Q3 on the board, labeled "Q0" on these erroneous schematics).  This certainly looks plausible, but I checked it carefully: it's done the way I show in my schematic above.


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